About Medina’s campaign-funded clothes…
Republican gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina is defending her use of campaign funds to pay for her clothes and shoes that she wears on the campaign trail.
In an editorial board meeting with the Austin American-Statesman, Medina said that even though doing so makes her uncomfortable, she uses the funds for clothes because she does not have a lot of money of her own to dress as a gubernatorial candidate is expected to dress.
Medina also said that she has a problem with Texas ethics laws in general because she believes that the rules restrict candidates who are not financially wealthy from running for office.
“You cannot be independently employed and run for office without taking a severe financial penalty,” she said.
Medina went on to say that she will continue to use the funds for clothes so she can use her own money to pay her mortgage.
Medina added that the plan is probably to give the clothes to charity at the end of the campaign. Watch the exchange here:
Watch the exhange:
Gov. Rick Perry supporter and former Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin also caught heat nationally in 2008 for the Republican National Committee’s expenditures of $150,000 on her wardrobe.
About how Shami plans to create jobs…
Houston businessman Farouk Shami released his economic plan centering on job creation this week.
In the plan, Shami, who has been actively campainging on the promise of job creation up to the point of offering a money-back guarantee if he is elected governor, proposes using the Texas Enterprise Fund to give grants to small businesses with fewer than 26 employees and with “a strong business plan” in order to stimulate economic growth. Shami also wants to put people to work on infrastructure projects like roads and broadband internet access, but does not outline how the projects would be funded.
Shami also stuck with his promise to allow every Texas home access to solar panels. He has previously said that the plan will be paid for by private companies, who will sell the energy until the cost is paid off. Once the cost is paid off, Shamis said that the homeowner would take over ownership of the solar panels.
In addition, Shami’s plan calls for the creation of “industry clusters” along the Texas-Mexico border, which means that local officials would work with businesses to build “build high-skill, capital-intensive operations on this side of the border that utilizes low-skill, affordable labor across the border.”
But Shami’s work with local officials on the economy apparently ends there, as he wants to eliminate the ability of localities to give tax incentives to businesses. Instead, his plan is to offer additional tax credits for businesses to move jobs to low-income areas.
About that enterprise fund…
Gov. Rick Perry has renegotiated or eliminated 11 Texas Enterprise Fund contracts with businesses in the state on the heels of a report released by Texans For Public Justice which detailed businesses that were not meeting the stipulations of the publicly funded program.
The Texas Enterprise Fund awards incentives to businesses that create a required number of jobs in the state.
The Associated Press reports that one of the companies to lose its contract is Bank of America, which purchased the mortgage giant Countrywide in 2008. Perry’s office also announced that several business’s contracts were altered to allow more time for job creation or to reduce the amount of jobs required to be created.
“As a brutal economic downturn coincides with Perry’s reelection campaign, the governor has not publicly addressed his job program’s mounting woes,” the TPJ report said. “Instead, his office has quietly redefined success.”
The report also found that only 13 of the 45 businesses under contract with the enterprise fund were doing well.